On November 17, 2022, Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) held "Conference to summarize the activities of the bond market in 2022". The conference received the attention and active participation of market members to look back and evaluate bond market operation in 2022 and contribute ideas on market development in the next year.

Summing up the situation of Government bond issuance in 2022, the State Treasury assessed that in 2022, the world's political economy situation will be complicated, inflation will increase, central banks of all countries will simultaneously adjust interest rate. Domestically, the Government has implemented many solutions to manage economy, by flexibly and closely combining fiscal and monetary policies such as increasing operation interest rates and adjusting exchange rate bands, etc. Mobilized government bond interest rates have tended to increase in recent years, but capital mobilization through the government bond market has remained stable, ensuring an effective capital mobilization channel for the state budget.

In 2022, HNX also implemented activities to upgrade the technology system to support the development of the government bond market, including upgrading the Bond Procurement System and the Debt Instrument Term Repurchase Transaction System, they are expected to run in January 2023.

Currently, information on private bond issuance is received and published by HNX via the Corporate Bond Information page. This page has also been upgraded in 2022. At the conference, in the spirit of openness and frankness, the management agency, HNX, VSD and market members exchanged and dialogued to remove obstacles in mechanisms and policies as well as seek new technical solutions to develop the bond market in a stable and sustainable manner in order to meet the objectives of market participants.